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Step 7: Coagulation

The coagulation step is the final stage of spiritual alchemy, where the liquid substance of one’s true self solidifies into a solid form. This represents the completion and stabilization of one’s spiritual journey and attainment. It is also marked by a profound sense of confidence and the ability to continue to exist in any aspect of reality.

Coagulation is similar to the blood’s ability to form clots and stop bleeding, as it signifies that one has overcome the wounds, fears, and attachments that hindered their growth. It also means that one has integrated their conscious and subconscious mind, and has become free from the ego and its illusions. Coagulation is the moment when one has “broken open the head”, or in other words, they have allowed their consciousness or soul to connect with the Materia Prima: the spirit.

Coagulation is not only applicable to physical alchemy, but also to spiritual alchemy. It is believed that this is always an ongoing process, but this is the ultimate goal in physical alchemy, and it is certainly possible in spiritual alchemy too3. Coagulation allows one to manifest their true potential and purpose in life, as well as to experience peace, joy, and harmony with themselves and others.

A good practice to accompany the coagulation step is to meditate on your achievements and gratitude for your transformation. You can also affirm your identity and purpose as a spiritual being, and express your love and compassion for yourself and others. You can also celebrate your uniqueness and creativity, and share your gifts with the world.

Another good practice is to reflect on your challenges and lessons learned during the process. You can acknowledge your mistakes and failures, but also appreciate your growth and resilience. You can also forgive yourself and others for any harm or pain caused, and release any negative emotions or attachments that no longer serve you.

By doing these practices, you can ensure that you are fully integrated with your true self, and that you are ready to face any future opportunities or challenges that may come your way. You can also enjoy the peace and happiness that comes from knowing who you really are.

Added: focus on the crown chakra for this mediation practice. Only hold on to that which serves the highest good or purpose. Remember this is a refelction step the "resting" stage to look at your work and see that it is good. Just as the good book tells us in Genises on the seventh day even G-d rested.

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