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Shalom doest understand his feelings

In the heart of the enchanted forest, Shalom the Gnome was known for his wisdom and kindness. However, Shalom had a secret struggle. He found himself captivated by a beautiful she-gnome named Liora, but every time he tried to speak to her, his words failed him. His heart was filled with a longing that he didn't know how to handle.

One day, feeling overwhelmed, Shalom decided to seek guidance. He ventured deep into the forest to a quiet glade where he often prayed. As he knelt down, he whispered, "Jesus, I need your help. I don't know how to deal with these feelings, and I can't even talk to Liora."

To his surprise, a gentle light filled the glade, and Jesus appeared before him, smiling warmly. "Shalom, my dear friend," Jesus said, "I understand your struggle. Lust and longing can be powerful, but they can also lead you away from the path of love and respect."

Shalom listened intently as Jesus continued, "The Torah teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to treat others with respect and kindness. The Gospel reminds us of the importance of purity in heart and mind. Your feelings for Liora are natural, but you must learn to channel them in a way that honors her and yourself."

Jesus then shared a passage from the Torah: "You shall not covet your neighbor's wife" (Exodus 20:17). "This commandment," Jesus explained, "is not just about actions but also about the intentions of your heart. Instead of focusing on your desire, focus on getting to know Liora as a person, respecting her, and valuing her for who she is."

Shalom nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. "But how do I speak to her without feeling so nervous?" he asked.

Jesus smiled again. "Remember, Shalom, that you are loved and valued just as you are. Approach Liora with a heart full of kindness and genuine interest. Speak to her as you would to a friend, without any expectations. Trust that the right words will come."

With newfound courage, Shalom thanked Jesus and returned to the village. The next day, he saw Liora by the river, gathering flowers. Taking a deep breath, he walked up to her and said, "Hello, Liora. Those flowers are beautiful, just like the ones in my garden. Would you like to see them sometime?"

Liora smiled warmly, and Shalom felt his nervousness melt away. They spent the afternoon talking and laughing, and Shalom realized that by focusing on respect and genuine connection, he had found a way to speak to Liora from the heart.

From that day on, Shalom continued to seek guidance from the Torah and the Gospel, learning to balance his feelings with respect and love. And in doing so, he found not only a friend in Liora but also a deeper understanding of himself and his faith.

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