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Step 6: Distillation

Distillation is a process of purification that involves the separation of the volatile and the fixed elements of the substance. The volatile element is the one that can be easily changed or transformed, while the fixed element is the one that remains stable and unchanged. The distillation process requires heat, pressure, and a special apparatus to separate the two elements.

To practice this step, you need to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve through alchemy. You also need to be willing to let go of your attachments and ego, and embrace the uncertainty and chaos that comes with change. You need to be open to receiving guidance from your inner wisdom, your intuition, or your higher power. You need to be patient and trust that the process will unfold in its own time and way.

One possible way to practice distillation meditation is as follows:

  • Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down without being disturbed.

  • Light a candle or incense that has a scent that resonates with you, such as lavender, rosemary, or sandalwood.

  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, relaxing your body and mind.

  • Imagine that you are holding a clear glass jar in your hands. This jar represents your pure intention for alchemy.

  • Visualize that inside the jar there is a liquid substance that has two layers: one layer is clear and transparent, while the other layer is cloudy and opaque.

  • The clear layer represents your volatile element, which can be easily changed or transformed into something else. The cloudy layer represents your fixed element, which remains stable and unchanged.

  • Now imagine that you are using a heat source, such as a stove or an oven, to heat up the liquid substance in the jar. As you do so, notice how some parts of the liquid start to rise above the surface of the jar, while others sink deeper into it.

  • These rising parts represent your positive qualities or potentials that are ready to be expressed or manifested. These sinking parts represent your negative qualities or obstacles that are holding you back or preventing you from achieving your vision.

  • As you continue heating up the liquid substance in the jar, observe how some parts of it start to separate from each other due to their different densities. These separating parts represent your inner conflicts or challenges that need to be resolved or integrated into yourself.

  • As you continue heating up the liquid substance in the jar until it reaches its boiling point, notice how some parts of it start to evaporate into steam due to their high volatility. These evaporating parts represent your spiritual insights or revelations that have emerged from within yourself.

  • As you continue heating up the liquid substance in the jar until it becomes completely vaporized into steam due to its extreme volatility, notice how some parts of it start to condense back into liquid due to their low volatility. These condensing parts represent your spiritual gifts or talents that have been revealed by yourself.

  • As you continue heating up the vaporized liquid substance in the jar until it becomes completely solidified into crystals due to its high coagulation point1, notice how some parts of it start to melt back into liquid due to their low coagulation point1. These melting parts represent your spiritual growth or transformation that has occurred within yourself.

Now imagine that you have collected all these different parts of liquid substance in another container after they have been separated from each other by distillation. This container represents your final product after alchemy: pure knowledge 2.

  • Visualize how this container looks like: what color does it have? What shape does it have? What texture does it have? How heavy does it feel? How warm does it feel?

  • Visualize how this container smells like: what fragrance does it have? How pleasant does it smell? How soothing does it smell?

  • Visualize how this container tastes like: what flavor does it have? How sweet does it taste? How bitter does it taste?

  • Visualize how this container sounds like: what noise does it make when shaken? How loud is it? How soft is it?

  • Visualize how this container feels like: what sensation does it give when touched? How smooth is it? How rough is it?

  • Visualize how this container affects you when opened: what emotion does it evoke in you? How happy are you? How sad are you?

  • Visualize how this container affects others when shared: what reaction do they have when they see or smell or taste or hear or touch this container? How curious are they? How impressed are they?

Now imagine that you decide to share this final product with others who can appreciate its value and beauty. You invite them over for an alchemical feast where they can enjoy this pure knowledge together with food and drink.

As you share this final product with others who can vaule and appreciate such.


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