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Step 2: Dissolution

  • Dissolution: This is the stage where the soul dissolves into its essence and becomes one with the source of all creation. It involves transcending the limitations of time and space, and experiencing a state of bliss and peace. This can be done through contemplation, intuition, or other practices that help one to connect with one’s higher self.

  • One possible practice for dissolution that is unique to itself is to use the power of imagination and visualization. This practice can help you to dissolve your ego and connect with your true self, as well as to explore the depths of your unconscious mind.

  • To practice this technique, you will need a quiet place where you can relax and focus. You can sit comfortably in a chair or lie down on a bed. You can also use headphones or earplugs to block out any external noise.

  • First, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Relax your body and mind as much as possible. Then, imagine that you are in a place that makes you feel calm and peaceful. It could be a natural setting, such as a beach, a forest, or a mountain. Or it could be a symbolic place, such as a temple, a garden, or a library. Whatever it is, make it as vivid and realistic as you can.

  • Next, imagine that you are standing in front of an entrance to this place. It could be a door, a gate, or a window. As you approach it, notice how it looks like. What color is it? What shape is it? What material is it made of? How does it feel to touch it? As you look at it more closely, notice any symbols or images that are engraved on it. They could be letters, numbers, shapes, animals, plants, or anything else that has meaning for you.

  • Now, imagine that you open the entrance and step inside the place. As soon as you do so, feel the change in atmosphere and temperature. Notice how the light changes from outside to inside. Notice how the sounds change from outside to inside. Notice how the smells change from outside to inside.

  • As you explore this place further, pay attention to what catches your eye and what draws your attention. You may see something familiar or something unfamiliar. You may see something beautiful or something scary. You may see something that makes sense or something that doesn’t make sense.

  • Whatever you see and feel in this place is part of your unconscious mind. It reflects your thoughts, emotions, memories, dreams, fears, desires, hopes, and beliefs that are not fully conscious or aware of yourself.

  • You may also want to ask yourself some questions about what you see and feel in this place:

  • What does this symbolize for me?

  • What does this remind me of?

  • What does this teach me about myself?

  • How does this relate to my current situation?

  • How does this affect my mood?

  • How does this inspire me?

  • The goal of this practice is not to find answers or solutions in this place (which would require conscious awareness). Rather than trying to figure out what these things mean for you personally (which would require conscious awareness), simply let them be with curiosity and openness.

  • You may also want to express some gratitude for being able to visit this place:

  • Thank you for allowing me.

  • Thank you for showing me.

  • Thank you for teaching me.

  • Thank you for healing me.

  • Thank You

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